The Future Of Book Collecting

BMCcol1n1-214x300I have just discovered a very interesting post on A New Look At Old Books blog discussing the future of books and book collecting. It is a fresh look at the new concept of electronic books and their impact on the world of books. There is no info on the blog about who writes it. No background about whose thoughts we are reading but he (or she) seems quite familiar with the world of book collecting and a cryptic note at the beginning of this blog indicates the author will have "a monthly column in the UK’s leading old book magazine, Book and Magazine Collector".

Here is a quote from the blog: "Book collecting will only survive if new collectors take it up and they will only do that if they have some sort of relationship with books. Will the generation born with a silver screen in their hands ever pick up an old book? Will our scanned in libraries be shut down to save money when the books are all on line, free, forever? Will governments push up the price of paper with green taxes and drive reluctant readers to the screens? All these issues and many more will be raised as we race through the decade and the future of our hobby depends on the answers." READ MORE HERE

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