What Do Vanity Fine Press Editions Mean To Book Collectors

Small Press Offers a New and Unique Publishing Service

The following Press Release is about an "vanity fine press book publisher" that prints "on demand" limited edition books of all types. What about it folks? Will these books become collectible? Will that depend solely on the author, publisher, production number and popularity of or topic of the book? Will it be a "step-child" of the collectible world? You tell me... Here is the Press Rlease:

In its relatively short existence, unique vanity publisher Family Editions is attracting a lot of attention.

Launched Easter 2006, Family Editions Publishing offers vanity self-publishing with a unique twist. The new imprint is the first and only service specializing in creating one-of-a-kind private keepsakes, heirlooms, and mementoes for its clients.

These cherished heirlooms come in the form of exclusive, books that are professionally printed and bound. The company offers many styles and colour formats with this service in order to provide a finished product that is right for any client. The printing is done on demand through parent company Open Book Press. The company offers many affordable packages and deals grouping basic book packages with extra services in order to offer clients the most out of their unique publishing experience.

The attention generated by this service is because of the distinctive adaptable features available making each and every book unique and one-of-a-kind. Most vanity publishers target would-be writers looking to launch a writing career, and create a book that can be mass produced and sold to retail outlets. Family Editions takes a different approach. Instead of creating a product to be sold as a retail commercial venture, Family Editions takes the clients own photos, thoughts, memories, art, writing and creates a unique and personal book. The book produced is of equal quality to any retail book, but kept as a personal family heirloom and keepsake, unique to that client.

The idea stems from a book written by company co-owner Mike Gagnon, as a tribute to his grandfather. Originally meant as a service to create memorials or books in tribute of loved ones, the idea has caught on with artists looking to create a unique portfolio, Newlyweds looking for a one-of-a-kind wedding album, and others who want to immortalize loved ones and special occasions. Response to Family Editions has created a new niche service in the publishing industry that so far, only Family Editions fills.

Anyone can create their own custom, limited edition book collecting their own thoughts and memories for as little as $149.99 U.S. or $209.95 Canadian. Service will also be available to the UK, with appropriate pricing soon to come. For more details and pricing packages see the new Web site recently launched at www.familyeditions.com or call Family Editions Publishing at 519-396-6145

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