Voynich Manuscript Carbon Dated to 15th Century

Source: Daily Mail UK

Scientist working at University of Arizona on four 1mm X 6mm sections from four different pages in the manuscript using the carbon dating process, which is where scientists measure the amount of radioisotope Carbon 14 which occurs naturally in objects and decays at a predictable rate, making it possible to use it to date things. The sections used to carbon date were provided by the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Yale University, which is where it is being stored.

Voynich Manuscript

The manuscript was discovered by rare book dealer Wilfrid Voynich in the Villa Mondragone near Rome in 1912 as he was trawling through a chest of books.

He spent the remaining 18 years of his life trying to decipher its mixture of plants, circles and humans praying to the fountain of youth but died before completing his task.

The manuscript has been passed down through generations of scientists since then who have concluded that it is some kind of language - even if they don’t know what it means.

I have always found the mystery surrounding this book to be fascinating and have searched for a copy in book form for years. I do have a link that takes you to a pdf download of the entire book. Please note... it is in excess of 53 Mega Bytes. You can download it here: Voynich Manuscript PDF

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