Voynich Manuscript, The Most Mysterious Manuscript in the World

Source: socyberty.com


AT THE BEINECKE RARE BOOK and Manuscript Library at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, hardly a day passes without an inquiry about a small volume known as the Voynich Manuscript.



The Beinecke contains countless rare books. What makes the Voynich Manuscript of particular interest is that no one has yet been able to read it in full; the text is written in a code that some of the world’s greatest cryptographers and linguistics experts have failed to decipher.


The manuscript measures 53/4 by 81/2 inches and is some 200 pages long. Its vellum leaves are covered with extraordinary flowing writing – extraordinary because its author has used a completely unknown alphabet. The illustrations accompanying the text are equally odd – they seem to represent plants, women, and astronomical configurations. Since neither the words nor pictures are easy to interpret, the book has been called the most mysterious manuscript in the world.

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